Your rights to choice

Research shows that treatments are more effective if patients choose, understand and control their care. This is why giving people more choice is a key priority of the NHS. Everyone who is cared for by the NHS in England has formal rights to make choices about the service they receive.  These include the right to choose a GP surgery, to state which GP you’d like to see, to choose which hospital you’re treated at, and to receive information to support your choices.

These rights form part of the NHS Constitution (PDF, 106 kb).

NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has published a guide to help patients make choices about their NHS care.

This follows a survey earlier in the year which showed that nine out of 10 local people would like to be able to choose their GP practice.

A similar number would like to choose the hospital they are referred to, as well as the time and date of any appointments, according to the poll of 1,004 people living in Fylde and Wyre.

The online guide includes patients’ rights to making choices about their GP practice, hospital and which healthcare professionals they see. It also includes choice with regard to maternity and community services, as well as end-of-life care.

The Choice Framework sets out your legal right to choice about your NHS treatment and care, which usually involves selecting a GP, hospital and making informed decisions about your treatment. It is important to remember that you have a right to be involved in important decisions about your treatment and care.

NHS doctors have a duty to inform you about your available options and will always advise you as to what they think is the best option, but, ultimately, it is you, the patient, that must decide what is right for you.