PPG Patient Participation Group

Are you registered with Ash Tree House Surgery and want to work with us to improve our services? Do you want to support your fellow patients to get the best out of our practice?
Our patient participation group (PPG) is the place for you. We have a
established group of enthusiastic people from all ages and backgrounds that currently operates as our PPG group.

What our PPG does is essentially guided by the members. This could be:
• Advising the practice on the patient perspective
• Organising health promotion events
• Communicating with our patients
• Running volunteer services and support groups to meet local needs
• Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice (and their carers)
• Influencing the practice or the wider NHS to inform decision-making
• Fundraising to improve the services provided by the practice
If you would like to discuss becoming a PPG member please email lscicb-fw.gp-p81129@nhs.net or come along to our next meeting TBC.

Alternatively please complete the below application form and either email back to us lscicb-fw.gp-p81129@nhs.net or print if off and hand into the practice at the main reception desk.