With August Bank Holiday around the corner, here’s a reminder of where to get help if you have a health problem over the long weekend.
Accident and emergency services can face more pressure during Bank Holidays because people choose to visit A&E departments when GP surgeries are closed – even if their problem is not a critical or life-threatening situation.
NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group wants to remind local people that there are many options for people to choose from ranging from self-care and expert, “over-the-counter” advice from pharmacists to Fleetwood’s Same-Day Health Centre.
Fylde and Wyre CCG clinical chief officer and local GP Dr Tony Naughton, said: “There are a range of alternative NHS services you can access. It doesn’t have to always be A&E.
“If you are unsure of whether you do or don’t need urgent medical attention then the NHS 111 helpline will be able to advise you and direct you to the service most appropriate for your needs”
For further information and advice please visit www.WhyAandE.nhs.uk.