The organisations responsible for planning and buying health services for people living on the Fylde coast are rated ‘good’ by NHS England.
Following the annual assessment by NHS England, both NHS Blackpool and NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were rated green for ‘quality of leadership’ and green for ‘financial management’ with an overall rating of good.
In a change from last year’s assessment, NHS England has this year focused less on a CCG as an organisation and more on the quality of the health services it buys and health outcomes of its population.
NHS England paid particular tribute to the high level of financial management across the two clinical commissioning groups which allowed both organisations to meet nationally set targets in 2016/17.
NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG chief operating officer Peter Tinson, said: “This rating is a reflection of the dedication of our staff, GP practices and partners to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and investing the funding we receive wisely. We are really proud to be consistently rated as one of the best CCGs in the country. Strong clinical leadership and public engagement have been fundamental to our success.
[/column][column]“Across the Fylde coast we’ve been at the forefront of testing new models of care and new technologies which are being replicated nationally. Over the next 12 months and beyond we will be working even closer with our Fylde coast partners to join up patient care.”
NHS Blackpool CCG chief clinical officer Dr Amanda Doyle said: “We are really pleased to have been rated as good. We are always committed to ensuring patients receive high quality services and care and this is achieved through close working with our partners. It’s great to see this effort has had a positive impact, so we thank them, our staff and member practices who have helped us achieve this rating. We’re looking forward to continuing to work with them to ensure it is maintained and improved even further.
“We are fortunate that we have an opportunity to develop the good work we are already doing even further thanks to the development of our local Accountable Care System.”
CCGs are assessed against 60 criteria across 26 areas covering performance, delivery, outcomes, finance and leadership. Full details are published online at
NHS England’s assessment has rated every CCG in the country as ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ across two categories – ‘quality of leadership’ and ‘finance’.